Little Harbour Community Lunch and Learn

Little Harbour Community Center
November 30, 2023 7:00 PM
Little Harbour Community Lunch and Learn

Charlie Strickland, Search Director, shared some information for participants on outdoor recreation.

Use Trip Planners! Visit Adventure Smart website

Three steps for safety outside:

  1. Trip Planning - Plan your trip. Know your terrain and conditions; check weather and complete a Trip Planner and give to a dependable person.
  2. Training - Obtain knowledge and skills you need before heading out. Know and stay within your limits.
  3. Take the Essentials - Always carry essentials, and know how to use them: compass, knife and folding saw, fire making kit, water & extra food, warm clothes or layers, first aid kit, Mylar blanket-shelter, Fox Forty whistle, sun and bug protection, and more if hiking a distance, depending on the season, and location.

If lost:

  1. Stay put (by a tree), stay calm, and make a shelter (nest with spruce or fir boughs, grass and/or leaves) to keep warm.
  2. If you have a trip planner or have told someone where you were hiking someone will be looking for you. Call out periodically or blow your whistle.